Auto Scanner Tools

The ATEQ VT55 is a TPMS diagnostic tool

The ATEQ VT55 is a TPMS diagnostic tool. It is compatible with all currently known TPMS sensors including OE, Universal, Programmable and Aftermarket [...]

The VCM works in concert with IDS

The device we will be working with is the Ford VCM.  The VCM (Vehicle Communication Module) works in concert with a computer program called IDS (Integrated [...]

Original XTOOL PS2 GDS Description

New produced!! Not long ago, we OBD2TOOL web site give a new Star diagnosis bundle, C5 sdconnect with Panasonic tab. Mercedes BENZ C5 Xentry Connect diagnostic [...]

How to Download and Install PTT Software 2.03/3.02 For Volvo 88890300 Vocom Interface?

Vocom Interface
How to Download and Install PTT Software 2.03/3.02 For Volvo 88890300 Vocom Interface? Did you ever bought Volvo 88890300 Vocom Interface ? Volvo [...]

Compare WIFI Scania VCI-3 Truck Diagnosis with Scania VCI2

Scania VCI-3 VCI3 Scanner
Newest generetion Wireless Scania VCI-3 Multi-language scanner come with SDP3 V2.21 software no need work with usb dongle Scania VCI-3 V2.21 WIFI SDP3 [...]

How MB SD Connect 4 on Win7 Working?

MB SD Connect Compact 4
Hi dear friend, yesterday we shared how to setting LAN and WIFI on VMware For MB SD C4 ,today we’d like to share with you How MB SD Connect 4 on Win7 [...]

How to Setting MB SD C4 WIFI Connect

MB SD C4 as one of the most hot selling products in,we need know how to opeartion with it, some customers asked as how to setting the device use [...]

KM+IMMO Tool Skoda Superb 09 mileage correction

My Superb is running 250,000 Km, while it displayed at 200,000 KM only. I am Afanasy from Russian. Much reputation is given to the VAG KM+ IMMO odometer [...]

FAQ GM MDI WIFI wireless multiplexer interface (detail)

GM MDI WIFI wireless multiplexer interface frequently asked questions and most concerned questions gathered here to know better the [...]

Star diagnosis XENTRY Connect C5 diagnose new W222 W205

Xentry Connect C5
  Mercedes Benz original second-hand Xentry Connect C5 diagnostic tool is available in The DoIP SD Connect 100% supports 2014 and 2015 [...]

BMW ICOM A1 vs. ICOM A2 vs. ICOM A3 diagnostic scanner

BMW ICOM diagnostic and programming scanner for BMW, MINI Cooper and Rolls Royce has upgraded to third generation-BMW ICOM A3. Then what’s the [...]

MST-800+Digital Battery Analyser is conveninet for me to check my cars

MST-8000+ Digital Battery Analyzer
For my part , the MST-800+Digital Battery Analyser is conveninet for me to check my cars . This is a user-friendly tool always help me deal with much more [...]

GM Tech2 FAQ

gm tech 2
GM Tech2 Scanner FAQ: About Function Q1: Does GM tech2 Support Coding? A1: Yes, it does, but you need to buy an additional TIS2000, TIS2000 [...]

VCS Vehicle Communication Scanner Highlights and Advantage

vcs scanner
OBD2tool.COM provides kinds of car diagnostic tool for many car brands.The feature of them are low cost,wise coverage and easy to use. The main function of [...]

Multi-Language Ford VCM II diagnostic tool

ford vcm ii
Ford VCM II  is the new Ford OEM diagnostic tool. It provides dealer-level diagnostics using the IDS software. Ford VCM II Features: 1. The VCM II is the [...]